Friday, February 14, 2014

NOTD: The Girly Girl's Valentine

Happy Valentines Day Guys! I hope you guys are enjoying your Valentines Day this year. Remember, it's not just about significant others, but other people that you love as well. These could friends and family! Anyway, onto the post!

I've never noticed just how much I love ivory and pink until I kept using those two colors together. There's so girly and sweet about the two colors combined. I couldn't help but add the colors together to make a quick design. Here I used Zoya's Jaqueline which I've reviewed here. I also used Gie Gie which I received in my May 2013 Ipsy box and was reviewed here. To see what I did, just click read more.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dr. Alkaitis Skin-Care Review

Have you ever tried something and immediately knew/felt that it was definitely something healthy and alive you were either eating or putting on your skin? The only time I've ever felt that was when I was eating figs freshly picked off a tree. I recall the strange feeling of eating something so fresh and healthy that it left me feeling alive in such a different way. It didn't feel like a sugar rush, but rather, like a health-rush. Is there such a thing? Probably. Anyway, I'm bringing this up because that same feeling happened again while I was trying out a sample of Dr. Alkaitis' Day and Night Creme. To find out how all three did, click to read the rest of the review. 

Remember a couple months ago when I went to A Night For Green Beauty in New York City? Well I also received a few goodies just to sample - not exactly a PR Sample, but something just to try. I decided to write a review on it anyway since I felt that it was something I had to review. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy Holidays from MakeupWithTea

I hope your holidays were just about everything you've wanted it to be! I've never realized how hard it was to keep up a blog during the holidays while working too. It's quite a feat. To all those bloggers that can do that, you have amazing time management skills. Maybe this year I'll have better luck keeping up posts while on the holidays. Well anyway, I wanted to write a few things in this article. The first is a Thank You to my readers who have really kept up on reading my blog. I love you guys! Second is to reflect on the past year. Third is to let you know about further upcoming posts. If you're curious, read on. :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Teavivre's Yun Nan Dian Hong Black Tea*

Of all the teas, I believe Yun Nan's are the most complicated of all flavors. It seems simple at first - a simple black tea that anyone could like, but once you taste the inner flavors that make the tea - that's where it gets complicated. Yun Nan is known for it's complicated black tea taste. And Teavivre's is no different. This is definitely one of those teas that needs some experimenting, however. But once done right, it really is a beautiful tea. Depending on steeping time and temperature, it can either be light and smooth with hints of cocoa, to dark and malty with a slight bitterness captured into the mix. Of the several times I've made this tea, I prefer the lighter brew. It really brings out the subtle flavors without overwhelming it. To see how I rated Teavivre's Yun Nan Dian Hong Black Tea, click to read more.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ipsy November 2013

It seems like I'm always a month late when posting up my Ipsy Reviews. There's just never enough time to post them away it seems. Anyway, I just wanna say that I am super excited about this box. Particularly because I'm really loving several items. (Enough to actually want more of them.) To read which item I've loved, just click to read more.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Empties

Isn't it always a victorious feeling when you've finished quite a lot of products? It feels like money well spent, as well as a sense of accomplishment. Today I'm going to let you know which products I've finished up recently and briefly why. Since it's getting colder and colder, a lot of these are body products. To see a list of the products I've recently used up, click to read more.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Choice's Genmaicha Tea

There's something to be said when you're reviewing a tea you've already finished. Seriously. I couldn't even save one tea bag to show you guys. Just kidding. I snapped one shot before drinking it. I probably finished this so fast because it's such a staple tea. Something you could drink and crave almost every morning. The caffeine content is just perfect too if you're an avid tea drinker like I am. If you're new to tea, and would like to venture out to other teas, I'd say Genmaicha is a safe bet. Just don't over brew! To see how I rated Choice's Genmaicha, just click on the read more tab.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Yuzen Winter 2013 Box

So it's that time of the year again when Yuzen pops up in my mailbox! This winter theme is all about enjoying the winter holidays in a comfortable glamorous way. For those of you that don't know, Yuzen is a quarterly subscription box intended for sampling beauty and wellness products - in a toxin free way. Click Read more to read the rest of my review!

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