Thursday, May 2, 2013

Green Tea by Bigelow Review

Lifestyle blogger, Tea Reivew, Bigelow, Green Tea

The other day at work, I had the fortune of finally trying out some tea by Bigelow. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much, so I was in for quite a surprise. I'm always on the hunt for tea that tastes similar to the ones found in restaurants. I even ask them what kind of tea brand they use. Obviously, they just tell me it's their "special home made house brand." Yeah okay. Well I found out their secret or at least something close- Bigelow's Green Tea!
The tea tastes very smooth and grassy green. It has a mildly robust flavor of fresh green tea. Not the older bitter green tea that some cheaper brands have. I'm definitely going to have to go out and buy a box now. It's almost as great as the Tazo China Green Tips. Each have their own unique flavor of green tea however.

Overall, for the price point and the excellent taste, I'd give this a 5/5. 


  1. love green tea)

  2. Hate green tea but love the site. x


  3. I love that you actually review makeup and tea, so cute! I'm more of a coffee drinker myself, but I hope to drink more tea since it has a ton of health benefits. What's your favorite tea?

  4. Aww thanks Abbey! My favorite tea of all time is Yunnan Noir by Adagio. I also used to be a heavy coffee drinker but then switched over to tea when I realized how much caffeine is in coffee. Now I usually just drink decaf coffee if I'm craving it. :)

  5. Hmm I'll have to check that one out : D


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